Τετάρτη 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

How To make money using adf.ly

This is a good news to all adfly publishers. Adfly is now with daily payments. Before this it is a monthly payment but now publishers who are eligible can request daily payments. 

By requesting the daily payment, you will get paid in 24 hours after clicking the request payment button.

One more strong reason for you to join adfly.. and to make more money with adfly!  

This is the information from the Adfly knowledge base: 

Q : How often can I be paid? Do you offer daily payments? 

We pay all Publishers on the 1st of the month, providing they have earned the minimum amount required.

Now we also offers daily payments to Publisher accounts that qualify:

1. Your account must older than 30 days

2. You must have been paid on the monthly pay day at least once

3. Your payment information cannot have been updated in the last 72 hours

4. Your payment information must be valid and complete

If your account has qualified, you will be able to click the 'Request Payment' button on


to receive a payment in the next 24 hours.

Good luck in making more money with AdFly

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